Registration for the

Teach with Ease Online Workshop for Creatives

is currently closed.

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Hey there! I'm Lenora

We're facing unprecedented challenges:

Wanna know why I'm glad you stopped by?

You're a Creative or Expert, Right?

Teach with Ease Online is for you!

Why? Have you:

  • Lost Gigs or Clients?
  • Unexpectedly teaching online?
  • Need to move your expertise online?
  • Discovered during this lockdown that now might be the perfect time to pivot?

I’ve had success:

  • Building online programs for artists, business clients and universities
  • Doing a 4-figure online course launch
  • Helped numerous artists turn their stalled careers into career changing incomes
  • Successfully launched a five-figure crowdfunding campaign for my last project.

Let me teach you how I did it and what YOU need to make this transformation happen for yourself!

Get Access!

We're facing unprecedented challenges:

  • Lost Gigs or Clients?
  • Unexpectedly teaching online?
  • Need to move your expertise online?

I’ve had success:

  • Building online programs for artists, business clients and universities
  • Doing a 4-figure online course launch
  • Helped numerous artists turn their stalled careers into career changing incomes
  • Successfully launched a five-figure crowdfunding campaign for my last project.

Let me teach you how I did it and what YOU need to make this transformation happen for yourself!

Grab Your Seat

Click Here for More Details


Lenora’s unique

“Table & Chair” 

Formula for Creatives

    • 4 Pillar System Framework
    • Revenue Model for Creatives

4 weeks of LIVE (not videotaped) Group Coaching Sessions ($997 Value)

Teach with Ease Online Workshop for Creatives Workbook ($47 Value)

Training Bundle of 5-Day Challenge Videos & Workbook (this is a course by itself!) ($197 Value)

Online Member Platform with Lifetime Access to Materials ($697 Value)

4 weeks of Zoom Lightening Round/Co-Working sessions ($497 Value)

4 weeks of Q&A and "Hot Seat" sessions ($299 Value)

Curated Members-Only, Private Facebook Group w/Lenora as Admin ($299 Value)

BONUS: 75% off of One-on-One Strategy Session ($225 Value)

BONUS: 50% off of Vocal Jazz Summer Camp 2020 ($199 Value)

BONUS: FREE Blueprint to set up a Summer Mini-Camp (this is a course by itself! ($197 Value)






I've got a lot to show you. 


  • No need to continue feeling that you're teaching in the online space frustrated: feeling overwhelmed, anxious, inadequate, devalued.

  • You know you can do more with your expertise but don't have a system.

  • Being caught in the Gig Economy has revealed you don't have a strong foundation for sustainable income.

  • You don't think the online space is for you. You don't like feeling weird or fake with your audience and online settings are the big unknown.


There are two ways to learn, mistakes and mentors. Talent is only potential. Let me work with you to turn your talent into opportunity so you can:

Get Paid,

Be Authentic,

and Love What You Do!


Take Action!


Limited Seats. Reserve Yours!

Creative Tools

Use the proven system for Artists & Creatives.

Workbooks & Templates

Follow the guided, done-for-you templates.

Brand Building

Showcase your authenticity, without the gimmicks.

Ready to get started?

Today is the day! Let's do this!

Get Access!